
Dr. Jonathan Clark, MD, MPH


Patrickson JW, Kutyna FA, Bryant HJ, Kadekaro M, Clark JB: Central Nervous System Glucose Utilization Rate in the

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Kutyna FA, Patrickson JW, Bryant HJ, Kadekaro M, Clark JB: Quantitative 2-DG Study of the Brainstem of the Rat During

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Clark JB, Six EG, Early CB: Resection and Anastomosis of Cervical Vertebral Artery Aneurysm. Microsurgery


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Chia JK, Clark JB, Ryan CA, Pollack M: Botulism in an Adult Associated with Food-Borne Intestinal Infection with

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Clark JB. Cervical Dystonia Following Exposure to High G Forces. Aviat Space Environ. Med. 1990; 61:935-7.

Clark JB, Bohnker BK, Hayes GB, Morey WA. Navy Helicopter Pilot With Juxtasellar Mass, Case Report With

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Clark JB. Risk assessment and clinical aeromedical decision making. Aviat Space Environ. Med. 1993; 64:741-7.

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Clark JB, Patterson FR. Human Factors in Navy/ Marine Fixed and Rotary Wing Class-A Mishaps involving 3rd Generation

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Schindler ES, Clark JB. Atrial Fibrillation associated with Airsickness. Aviat Space Environ. Med. 1995;66:483.

Correia MJ, Luke BL, McGrath BJ, Clark JB, Rupert AH. The Role of Linear Acceleration in Visual-Vestibular Interactions

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Clark JB, Russell KL, Knafelc ME, Steevens CC. Assessment Of Vestibular Function Of Divers Exposed To High Intensity

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Steevens CC, Sylvester R, Clark JB. Effects Of Low Frequency Water-borne Sound on Navy Divers: Open Water Trials.

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Clark JB, Ferreira EA, McGrath BJ. Spatial Orientation Mobile Field Laboratory Assessment Of U.S. Navy Divers Exposed

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Clark JB, Schuyler CL. Implementation Of A Marine Aircraft Wing Sustained Operations Plan During Combat (Operation

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Ferreira EA, McGrath BJ, Clark JB. Assessment Of Eye Movements During High Intensity Underwater (U/W) Sound

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Gallagher KL, Hopkins EW, Clark JB, Hawley TA. U.S. Navy Experience with Type II Decompression Sickness and the

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Clark JB, Hopkins III EW. Neuro-Otologic Evaluation Of Spatial Disorientation And Vestibular Dysfunction In Naval Aviation

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Sausen KP, Chimiak JM, Bower EA, Stiney ME, Clark JB. Cardiovascular Responses To A Mixed-gas Breathing Paradigm

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Lawson BD, Mead AM, Clark JB. Case Report II. Severe and Prolonged Drowsiness, Fatigue, and Mood Changes in the

Aviator Referred for Air Sickness. Aviat Space Environ. Med. 1997; 67:A35.

Steevens CC, Sylvester R, Clark J. 1997. Effects of Low-Frequency Water-Borne Sound on Divers: Open Water Trial.


Clark JB, 1998. Evaluation of visual vestibular interaction with the dynamic visual acuity test. Micromed Tech News 1998,


Steevens CC, Russell KL, Knafelc ME, Smith PF, Hopkins EW, Clark JB. Noise induced neurological disturbances in divers

exposed to intense water-borne sound: Two Case Reports. Undersea Hyper Med 1999;26;261-265.

Sausen KP, Wallick MT, Slobodnik B, Chimiak JM, Bower EA, Stiney ME, Clark JB. The reduced oxygen breathing

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Clark JB, Riley TL. Screening EEG in Aircrew Selection: Clinical Aerospace Neurology Perspective. Aviat Space Environ

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Clark, Jonathan B. "The Role of Space Medicine in Management of Risk in Spaceflight." In Proceedings from the 2001

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Clark JB. Assessment Of Neurologic Function Following Short Duration Spaceflight Utilizing A Standardized Rating

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Paloski WH, Clark JB, 2002, October. Use of objective balance control data to assess neurogenic performance risks in

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Roller CA, Clark JB. Short-duration spaceflight and hearing loss. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2003;129,98-106.

Sausen KP, Bower EA, Stiney ME, Feigl C, Wartman R, Clark JB. A closed-loop reduced oxygen breathing device for

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Viegas SF, Williams D, Jones J, Clark JB. Physical Demands and Injuries to the Upper Extremity Associated with the

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Pisacane VL, Kuznetz LH, Logan JS, Clark JB, Wissler EH. Use of Thermoregulatory Models of Safety-For-Flight Issues

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Clark JB, 2007. Commercial human spaceflight: the new challenge for aerospace medicine. Aviation, space, and

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Pisacane VL, Kuznetz LH, Logan JS, Clark JB, Wissler EH. Thermoregulatory Models of Space Shuttle and Space

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Langell J, Jennings R, Clark J, Ward JB Jr. Pharmacological agents for the prevention and treatment of toxic radiation

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Moore ST, MacDougall HG, Lesceu X, Speyer J-J, Wuyts F, Clark JB. Head-eye coordination during simulated orbiter

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Clark JB. Crew Survival Lessons Learned from the Columbia Mishap. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 2009;

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Tito DA, Anderson G, Carrico JP, Clark J, Finger B, Lantz GA, Worden SP. Feasibility analysis for a manned mars free-return mission in 2018. In Aerospace Conference, 2013 IEEE (pp. 1-18). IEEE.

Fink W, Clark JB, Reisman GE, Tarbell MA. Comprehensive visual field test & diagnosis system in support of astronaut

health and performance. In Aerospace Conference, 2013 IEEE (pp. 1-9). IEEE.

Murray DH, Pilmanis AA, Blue RS, Pattarini JM, Law J, Bayne CG, Turney MW, Clark JB. Pathophysiology, prevention,

and treatment of ebullism. Aviat Space Environ Med 2013; 84(2):89-96.

Komorowski M, Watkins SD, Lebuffe G, Clark JB. Potential anesthesia protocols for space exploration missions. Aviat

Space Environ Med 2013; 84:226-33.

Blue RS, Law J, Norton SC, Garbino A, Pattarini JM, Turney MW, Clark JB. Overview of Medical Operations for a

Manned Stratospheric Balloon Flight. Aviat Space Environ Med 2013; 84: 237-241.

Law J, Blue RS, Clark JB. Medical Mission Control Planning and Operations for a Manned Stratospheric Flight Test

Program. Space Operations Communicator Vol. 10, No 3, p 1-7. July-September 2013.

Pattarini JM, Blue RS, Aikins LT, Law J, Walshe AD, Garbino A, Clark JB. Flat spin and negative Gz in high-altitude free

fall: pathophysiology, prevention, and treatment. Aviat Space Environ Med, 2013; 84: 961-970.

Nusbaum DM, Clark JB, Brady KM, Kibler KK, Sutton JP, Easley RB. Intracranial pressure and optic nerve sheath

diameter as cephalic venous pressure increases in swine. Aviat Space Environ Med 2013; 84:946 - 51.

Nusbaum DM, Antonsen E, Bockhorst KH, Easley RB, Clark JB, Brady KM, Kibler KK, Sutton JP, Kramer L, Sargsyan

AE. Optic nerve sheath diameter measurement techniques: examination using a novel ex-vivo porcine model. Aviat Space

Environ Med 2014; 85:50–4.

Garbino A, Blue RS, Pattarini JM, Law J, Clark JB. Physiological Monitoring and Analysis of a Manned Stratospheric

Balloon Test Program Aviat Space Environ Med 2014; 85:177 - 182.

Blue RS, Norton SC, Law J, Pattarini JM, Antonsen EL, Garbino A, Clark JB, Turney MW. Emergency medical support for

a manned stratospheric balloon test program. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2014;29(5):532-7.

Vanderploeg, James M., Ken Davidian, Jonathan B. Clark, Melchor J. Antunano, Richard T. Jennings, and Rebecca S.

Blue. "Space Travel Fitness: Who Is Healthy Enough to Go?" New Space 2, no. 3 (2014): 112-119.

Dinas PC, Mueller C, Clark N, Elgin T. Nasseri SA, Yaffe E, Madry S, Clark JB, Asrar F. Innovative Methods for the

Benefit of Public Health Using Space Technologies for Disaster Response. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness.


Asrar FM, Asrar S, Clark JB, Kendall DJ, Ngo-Anh TJ, Brazeau S, Hulsroj P, Williams RS. Help from above: outer space

and the fight against Ebola. Lancet Infect Dis. 2015 Aug;15(8):873-5. Epub 2015 Jul 19.

Wood SJ, Paloski WH, Clark JB. Assessing sensorimotor function on ISS with computerized dynamic posturography.

Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2015; 86(12, Suppl.): A1 – A9.

Garbino A, Nusbaum DM, Antonsen EA, Buckland D, Carminati MV, Clark JB. 2015, July. Medical Support and Outcomes

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Bershad EM, Anand A, DeSantis SM, Yang M, Tang RA, Calvillo E, Malkin-Gosdin L, Foroozan R, Damani R, Maldonado

N, Gupta P, Tan B, Venkatasubba Rao CP, Suarez JI, Clark JB, Sutton JP, Donoviel D, Clinical Validation of a

Transcranial Doppler Based Non- Invasive ICP Meter: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study, World Neurosurgery (2016),

doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2015.11.102.

Kothakonda A, Clark J, Thompson A, Kezirian MT. Quantifying the Benefit of a Developmental Test Program: Probablistic

Risk Assessment and Red Bull Stratos. 18 May 2016. In IAASS 2016 Conference Proceedings.

Garbino A, Nusbaum DM, Buckland DM, Menon AS, Clark JB, Antonsen EL. (2016). Emergency Medical Considerations

in a Space-Suited Patient. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 87(11), 958-962.

Galdamez LA, Clark JB, Antonsen EL, 2017. Point-of-Care Ultrasound Utility and Potential for High Altitude Crew

Recovery Missions. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(2), pp.128-136.

Soeken TA, Alonso A, Grant A, Calvillo E, Gutierrez-Flores B, Clark J, Donoviel D, Bershad EM. Quantitative pupillometry

for detection of intracranial pressure changes during head-down tilt. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018; 89(8):717–723.

Kothakonda A, Kezirian MT, Clark JB, Thompson A. (2018). Quantifying the benefit of a developmental test program:

Probabilistic Risk Assessment and Red Bull Stratos. Journal of Space Safety Engineering,5 (3–4):143-152

Asrar FM, Saint-Jacques D, Chapman HJ, Williams D, Ravan S, Upshur R Clark JB. Can space-based technologies help

manage and prevent pandemics?. Nat Med 27, 1489–1490 (2021).

Fall DA, Lee AG, Bershad EM, Kramer LA, Mader TH, Clark JB, Hirzallah MI. 2022. Optic nerve sheath diameter and

spaceflight: defining shortcomings and future directions. npj Microgravity, 8(1), pp.1-11.

Faerman A, Clark JB, Sutton JP. 2023. Neuropsychological considerations for long-duration deep spaceflight. Frontiers in Physiology, 14, p.831.


Clark JB. “Acoustic Issues In Human Spaceflight” in Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Basic Mechanisms, Prevention and Control. 1st edition. Henderson D, Prasher D, Kopke R, Salvi R, Hamernik R, eds. London: NRN Publications; 2001. ISBN: 1-901747-01-8.

Clark J.B. “Decompression Related Disorders II: Pressurization Systems, Depressurization, Barotrauma and Altitude Sickness” in Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight, Chapter 10; 1st edition. Barratt MR, Pool SL, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag (2008) ISBN: 978-0-387-98842-9

Clark J.B. “Acoustic Issues In Human Spaceflight” in Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight, Chapter 12; 1st edition. Barratt MR, Pool SL, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag (2008) ISBN: 978-0-387-98842-9.

Clark J.B. “Clinical Neurology of Spaceflight” in Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight, Chapter 16; 1st edition. Barratt MR, Pool SL, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag (2008) ISBN: 978-0-387-98842-9.

Clark J.B. “Crew Survivability in Human Spaceflight” in Principles of Safety Design for Space Systems, Bioastronautics Chapter; 1st edition. GE Musgrave, T Sgobba, A Larsen, eds. Oxford UK: Elsevier (2009) ISBN: 978-0-7506-8580-1

Viirre E, Clark JB. Airsickness and Space Sickness (Chapter 8) in Aeromedical Psychology CH Kennedy, GG Kay, eds Ashgate Publishing UK (2013) ISBN: 978-0-7546-7590-7.

Alford BR, Clark JB, Danielson RW. Ear, nose and throat and auditory issues (Chapter 4.2) in: Biomedical Results of the Space Shuttle Program, Risin D, Stepaniak PC (eds.), Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, NASA/SP-2013-607. ISBN: 978-0-615-86613-0, pp.59-72.

Clark JB. Human Space Flight Incidents and Crew Survival Lessons Learned (Section 5: The Future) in Loss of Signal: Aeromedical Lessons Learned from the STS-107 Columbia Space Shuttle Mishap, Stepaniak PC, Lane HW (eds). Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, NASA/SP-2014-616, ISBN: 9780160923876, pp 124-133.

Cohen HS, Clark JB. Neuro-otology. In: Kass JS, Mizrahi EM, eds. in Neurology secrets, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2016: 428-442.

Danielson RW, Allen CS, Limardo JG, Clark JB. "Auditory and Acoustic Issues.“ Chapter 5 in Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight 2nd edition Barratt MR, Baker ES, Pool SL, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag (2019): 175-200.

Pilmanis AA, Clark JB. "Decompression-Related Disorders.“ Chapter 16 in Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight 2nd edition Barratt MR, Baker ES, Pool SL, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag (2019): 481-518.

Clark JB, Bloomberg JJ, Bacal K. "Neurologic Concerns.“ Chapter 23 in Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight 2nd edition Barratt MR, Baker ES, Pool SL, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag (2019): 711-746.

Clark JB. Human Space Flight Mishaps and Incidents: An Overview. In: Young L.R., Sutton J.P. (eds) Handbook of Bioastronautics. Springer, Cham. (2020)

Clark JB. Human Spaceflight Accidents: The USSR/Russian Space Program. In: Young L.R., Sutton J.P. (eds) Handbook of Bioastronautics. Springer, Cham. (2020)

Clark JB. Overview of Balloon Flights and Their Biomedical Impact on Human Spaceflight. In: Young L.R., Sutton J.P. (eds) Handbook of Bioastronautics. Springer, Cham. (2020)

Clark JB. The Space Environment: An Overview. In: Young L.R., Sutton J.P. (eds) Handbook of Bioastronautics. Springer, Cham. (2020)

Clark JB, Blue RS. Crew Escape and Survival Systems in Aerospace Environments Chap 28 in Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine 5th edition Davis J, Stepanek J, Fogarty J, Blue R (eds) Wolters Kluwer (2021) 577-593 ISBN 9781975143855.

Blue RS, Clark JB, Duchesne TA, Pattarini JM, Menon AS. Human Spaceflight Mishaps and Incidents: An Overview. Chap 30 in Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine 5th edition Davis J, Stepanek J, Fogarty J, Blue R (eds) Wolters Kluwer (2021) 648-666 ISBN 9781975143855.

Dr. Giugi Carminati, JSD, Esq.

Teaching & Lecturing

